Bump Updates, Jameson, Pregnancy

Bump Update: 16 Weeks

For this pregnancy, I am going to do my bump updates a little differently. Last time around, I had an outline of questions to track my progress, but I felt it got a little redundant. So this time I’m going to try to make it a little more relaxed and just share what I want when I want.

At 16 weeks pregnant, I am finishing up my first month of my second trimester, aka four months along. That’s a mouthful, but I like to try and keep track of how close I am to the finish line.

Baby Grey is roughly the size of an avocado. Approximately 4-5 in and 3-4 oz. One great thing about the second trimester is that baby is actually starting to look like a baby. Baby is currently covered in hair with sensitivity to light and working ears.

The first trimester was pretty low-key. I didn’t experience any morning sickness or nausea, yay! The real kickers were using the restroom 24/7, backache, exhaustion, and severe hunger. The severe need to eat was a new one – I didn’t experience anything like it during my first pregnancy. There were a couple instances where I would be driving somewhere and literally start bawling and shaking, because I was so hungry. I would have to pull into a gas station and grab a drink and snack to hold me over… and it was instant relief. I did have to take progesterone again, so I had a few emotional scares, but once we figured out my dosage, everything leveled out.

Going into the second trimester, not too much has changed. I still have to go the restroom constantly, the backache and exhaustion comes and goes, I’m still hungry as heck, and let’s be honest, I’m always an emotional wreck. The transition from being a stomach sleeper to a side sleeper is happening and that is tough. The current tricky part is that I keep waking up on my back which is not good. I just keep reminding myself that I figured the sleep thing out last time, so I can do it again. I have also felt a few baby flutters which is always such a sweet surprise!

We do know the gender already and I am really excited to share it with y’all in a few weeks!

Bump Updates, Hazel, Pregnancy

Bump Update: 38 Weeks

How Far Along Are You?

38 Weeks & 6 Days

How Big is Baby?

Hazel is as big as a winter melon – approximately 19.5 inches and 6.5 pounds.

Total Weight Gain

34 pounds (147lbs)

How Are You Sleeping?

Not so great. Good sleep is a distant memory. Obviously, this is common at nine months pregnant, but it is not easy. Lack of sleep spurs the exhaustion, so I just feel tired all the time. I typically get about three hours of sleep; the rest of the time I am fighting heartburn, trying to turn off my overactive imagination, or going to the bathroom. Nights are very long!

Any Food Cravings?


Any Food Aversions?


Any Symptoms?

Heartburn: Pregnancy heartburn is never ending! It plagues me every night and occasionally during the day. Besides popping two Tums at night, I have stopped searching for ways to cure it.

Swollen Feet: My feet have turned into fat little sausages. At first it was only every now and then that my feet would swell, but now they are constantly swollen. It doesn’t matter what I do, my feet just plump up. I only have one pair of sandals that fit and I am wearing them to the bone.

Swollen Hands: My hands are also a bit swollen. They don’t necessarily look puffy and fat, but they are extremely tight. It is hard for me to make a fist or bend them in certain ways.

Pregnancy Brain: I was really hoping pregnancy brain would go away after the first semester, but it has really hit me hard the past few weeks. I have a really hard time getting my thoughts out and stringing together words. I have been forgetting all kinds of stuff which is very unlike me.

Aches: Everything aches! And by everything, I mean everything. During the last few weeks of pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called relaxin which helps loosen your body in preparation for birth. This is why your pelvis, back, feet, and the list goes on starts to ache. Getting up out of bed or off the couch and walking are the most painful for me.

Exhaustion: I am extremely exhausted all the time. Because it takes a lot more effort to do anything and sleep is so hard to come by, everything wears me out. I have to take frequent breaks to just relax or catch my breath. I also have a hard time focusing and keeping my eyes open during the day.

Anticipation: The anticipation of meeting my baby girl is overwhelming!!! I am so excited and I want her to come every minute of every day. I can’t wait!

Baby Movement?

Hazel moves a ton for being almost 7 pounds! She loves to wiggle her feet and stick her butt out. One of my friends joked that I better be careful or she is going to come out twerking. I still have not gotten tired of her movement. It makes me so happy, I just can’t wait to see her wiggle and squirm outside of my womb.

What Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Meeting Hazel! ❤

Bump Updates, Hazel, Pregnancy

Bump Update: 36 Weeks

How Far Along Are You?

36 Weeks & 6 Days

How Big is Baby?

Hazel is as big as a papaya – approximately 18.5 inches and 6 pounds.

Total Weight Gain

28 pounds (141lbs)

How Are You Sleeping?

I am barely sleeping. I probably get about four hours a night – maybe. Between getting up to pee every half hour to killer heartburn to overactive brain to being generally uncomfortable, sleep just doesn’t come very easily.

Any Food Cravings?


Any Food Aversions?


How is the Nursery Coming Together?

The apartment nursery is pretty much done. I decided not to hang anything on the walls since we will only be here roughly three months, but all the furniture but the bassinet stand is built and all the clothes are sorted. I feel ready!

Any Symptoms?

Heartburn: I think heartburn is just one of those pregnancy symptoms that you can’t really do anything about. I find something that helps for a couple days, but then when I start to think I’ve found the miracle cure, it flares up. Right now, I’m popping two Tums right before bed and cross my fingers.

Swollen Feet: This is very occasional… when my feet dangle for long periods of time or I do a lot of walking.

Pregnancy Brain: Gathering my thoughts and choosing my words is quite the ordeal these days. I really struggle to explain myself and get what’s in my head out my mouth. I’m really looking forward to having my whole brain back.

Backache: Now that my stomach is pretty heavy, my back hurts majority of the time, but especially when I’m trying to get comfortable to go to sleep. Luckily, my husband gives a mean back massage which can really help!

Stress: Being pregnant and trying to buy a house is definitely a trying time. There were a few moments where I kind of freaked out, which brought on the migraines.

Migraines: This past week, the migraines showed up and hit hard. I experienced six in a row and it was one of the hardest weeks of my life.

Baby Movement?

I have been experiencing all the moment! Hazel never stops going and it just makes me so excited to see how active she is outside of the womb… with all this kicking, she might be a little swimmer like her dad. She is most active when I’m trying to sleep or veg out in front of the tv.

What Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Meeting Hazel!! ❤ Surprisingly, I am very, very excited about giving birth. I have done so much research and I feel so prepared and confident that I cannot wait until that first contraction. #bringiton

Bump Updates, Hazel, Pregnancy

Bump Update: 34 Weeks

How Far Along Are You?

34 Weeks & 5 Days

How Big is Baby?

Hazel is as big as a butternut squash – approximately 17.5 inches and 4.5 pounds.

Total Weight Gain

26 pounds (139lbs)

How Are You Sleeping?

Sleep… ha! Going to sleep is definitely not something I look forward to. Good deep sleep is becoming more and more sporadic, so nighttime is becoming a bit more frustrating than it was before. Between the heartburn, constant need to pee, big uncomfortable belly, and overactive mind, falling asleep is just difficult.

Any Food Cravings?


Any Food Aversions?


How is the Nursery Coming Together?

The “nursery” is coming together wonderfully! This week we made serious progress on Hazel’s side of our room. All of the boxes and baby stuff piled everywhere was driving me crazy, so I buckled down and got to work. Thanks to my mom and bff Emily for building the dresser, I was able to put all her clothes, blankets, and swaddles away. Jeremiah built our utility cart that I am storing all of our changing and nursing necessities such as diapers, wipes, creams, burp cloths, and breast pump. I also got her changing basket set up as well as some decor on top of the dresser. To top it off, I filled a couple baskets with stuffed animals, books, and toys. I’m really excited about how it is turning out — I’ll give y’all a little peek once it’s done.

Any Symptoms?

Heartburn: Haven’t escaped heartburn yet. I keep finding things that work for a day or two, but then stop. Most recently popping a Tums or two has helped tremendously, but I don’t want to overdo it.

Nesting: Oh yes! I practically got the nursery put together in two days and am now looking forward to baby laundry!

Emotional: I have been an emotional wreck lately. I just feel gross and uncomfortable with lots of aches and pains. I’m not used to being so tired and exhausted all of the time, so I get frustrated with myself that I can’t do everything. The lack of sleep also doesn’t help the crying spells.

Swollen Feet: My feet are very achy all the time and I have had multiple days where they are sore or swollen for no apparent reason. I have been keeping them elevated as much as possible, but sometimes you have to walk on them.

Pregnancy Brain: Yes, pregnancy brain is back. I am constantly struggling to find my words and explain what I’m thinking or feeling. My brain seems so full yet so blank all at the same time.

Backache: My back tends to hurt toward the end of the day especially if I have done too much sitting, too much walking, or laid a weird way.

Stress: I have been extremely stressed out (which I know isn’t good for me or baby) due to Hazel’s positioning. I am very nervous about what her birth is going to look like if she does not turn head down. I am doing everything I can, but nothing seems to be working.

Migraines: I experienced a migraine a week or so ago. Headaches are not very fun, but especially when pregnant, because you can’t take the medication you normally would and getting into a comfortable position to sleep is quite difficult.

Baby Movement?

Hazel is still kicking, punching, and wiggling up a storm – the only thing she isn’t doing is turning upside down. Even though she isn’t in the ideal position, I still enjoy feeling her move around. She really enjoys music and when I am relaxing, so I love watching my stomach move as she makes her presence known.

What Are You Most Looking Forward To?

I am most looking forward to Hazel moving head down. She is currently breech and with my abnormal uterus, our midwife is concerned that the bigger she gets that she will not have enough room to turn. I have been doing exercises to coax her down with no luck so far and have not been able to get in to see a chiropractor. Next week we will be having a sonogram to see what her exact positioning is and if a doctor would feel comfortable trying to move her physically. Please send up prayers and good thoughts, so that Hazel and I would not be in danger and can experience an intervention free, natural birth. ❤

Bump Updates, Hazel, Pregnancy

Bump Update: 32 Weeks

How Far Along Are You?

32 Weeks & 5 Days

How Big is Baby?

Hazel is as big as a squash – approximately 17 inches and 4 pounds.

Total Weight Gain

23 pounds (136lbs)

How Are You Sleeping?

Honestly, I think I am sleeping pretty good for being in my eighth month of pregnancy. Sleeping is fairly uncomfortable, but not as bad as everyone made it seem. I still don’t think a pregnancy pillow is necessary for me and I am happy with the three pillows I am currently using – two under my head and one between my knees. The switching from side to side is probably the hardest part, because of how heavy my belly is, but it is doable. I am also getting up about three times a night to go to the bathroom. Fun times!

Any Food Cravings?


Any Food Aversions?


How is the Nursery Coming Together?

Now that we have had our baby shower, the nursery will be coming along shortly. I can now see what we have and we I need to buy, which is always a fun time! I am hoping to have it done by the end of March.

Any Symptoms?

Hunger: I’m not constantly hungry, but I like to be munching on snacks.

Heartburn: Becoming a bit less frequent. I have been doing an exercise that is supposed to help lessen heartburn and I think it is actually helping. I have had a couple consecutive nights heartburn free which is so wonderful!

Skin: No new breakouts this week; yay!

Nesting: Let the nursery decorating begin…

Emotional: My emotions have calmed down quite a bit. I am not crying every day like the past few weeks and I feel calmer and more at peace. I have had a few breakdowns, but they are becoming fewer and far between.

Swollen Feet: Now that I am working from home, my feet feel good majority of the time. Every now and then I’ll wear shoes that are a bit too small and they puff up, but for the most part they have kept to their normal size.

Baby Movement?

Hazel is still moving like crazy! It is the most amazing feeling! She is extremely active with her kicking and head-butting (as I like to call it). I’m looking forward to her moving head down and not constantly shoving her head into my ribs. If her in-utero movement is any indication of her outside the womb, she will be moving and grooving before we know it!

What Are You Most Looking Forward To?

I am most looking forward to Hazel moving head down. She is currently breech and with my abnormal uterus, our midwife is concerned that the bigger she gets that she will not have enough room to turn. I have been doing exercises to coax her down and will be starting chiropractic care in the next week. Please send up prayers and good thoughts, so that Hazel and I would not be in danger and can experience an intervention free, natural birth. ❤