Movies, Reviews

Step Sisters Movie Review

Step Sisters was an absolute hit in my book! With scenes and storylines that reminded me of high school favorites like The House Bunny, Sydney White, and Bring It On: All or Nothing, I couldn’t help, but laugh and smile the whole way through.

Plot Summary

Step Sisters is about Jamilah, a successful college student who seems to have it all figured out. She is head of her sorority, captain of her sorority step team, and liaison to the university’s dean; all she needs now is an acceptance to Harvard. When one of the university’s white sororities embarrasses the campus, Jamilah steps up to help them keep their charter. Jamilah sets out on an impossible mission: to teach a bunch of white girls how to step dance in order to win the Steptacular competition.

What I Thought

Yes, Yes, Yes! Netflix has brought us a delightful new comedy that I actually enjoyed. I’m so excited that we finally got a movie about stepping and I thought it was very well done! Through Twitter, I saw that there was a lot of controversy about this movie and some people said it was a ‘no’ for them because it was comedy at the expense of black women and white girls were using the black girls. I didn’t really see that. I really enjoy movies where different types of people come together and accomplish or learn something new, which is definitely what I saw here.

It is important to remember that this movie is supposed to be a comedy. It’s cheesy, silly, and has some crude jokes, but the bottom line was to be open-minded and accept one another. Step Sisters wasn’t a perfect movie or the best movie, but it was entertaining. If you try hard enough, you can find a lesson in there no matter who you are or what you believe.

My Rating: 4 Stars

I will definitely be watching this movie again. If you like cheesy movies about college life or sports that fly below the radar, I recommend you give this a watch.


Have you watched Step Sisters? What did you think?

Love Always,


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